Streamline with automation

Driven 2021 Episode One with TTI's Chris McCarley Recap

We had so much fun on September 14th talking with TTI’s Chris McCarley about their use of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) during the pandemic.

It is always energizing to do a live event. We had so much fun on September 14th talking with TTI’s Chris McCarley about their use of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) during the pandemic.

If you missed the live stream you can catch the video here. Chris answered hard questions from the audience like:

  • Has automation helped with COVID remote workers? 
  • How do you vet your new RPA projects? 
  • How do you keep your automation backlog from being overwhelming? 
  • Have you started leveraging IQ Bot or AARI from Automation Anywhere? 
  • What challenges do you face trying to measure ROI? 

Chris was so thoughtful in his answers and really provided a ton of insight in building an RPA program. I hope you all enjoy the interview as much as I did.

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