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Postal Precision: Tracking Transformed

Modernizing national postal tracking with IBM tech for faster, accurate updates and enhanced customer satisfaction. For more information contact BP3 Global

Postal Precision: Tracking Transformed with BP3 Global


The Challenge


Facing declines in traditional mail services, a national postal service recognized the need to improve its parcel delivery to stay competitive with leading couriers. The primary obstacle was its outdated tracking system, based on old programming, which made updates difficult and risky, limiting the ability to enhance tracking capabilities and introduce new services. This rigidity threatened the postal service's relevance in the rapidly evolving delivery market, where advanced tracking is essential for customer satisfaction and growth.

The Solution

By adopting IBM Operational Decision Manager, a cutting-edge solution was crafted for the national postal service, transforming its package tracking capabilities. This system centralizes over 1,300 business rules, enabling clear, customer-friendly tracking updates. Housed separately in a Business Rules Management System (BRMS), it streamlines updates and minimizes risks, dramatically improving agility, responsiveness and accuracy.

This strategic enhancement not only elevates the service's tracking efficiency but also solidifies its competitive edge in the delivery market, delivering significant value to both the service and its customers.

The Result

With an average response time of 15 milliseconds for tracking requests, the system efficiently processes millions of requests daily. This technological advancement marks a substantial improvement in processing speed, tracking capability, service delivery and customer satisfaction.




To revitalize its package tracking capabilities and compete effectively in the delivery market, the national postal service implemented IBM Operational Decision Manager. This solution streamlined over 1,300 business rules, making package tracking updates more customer-friendly and easier to manage via a Business Rules Management System (BRMS). The upgrade significantly enhanced operational efficiency, enabling the system to process millions of tracking requests daily with an average response time of 15 milliseconds. This technological advancement has dramatically improved customer satisfaction by providing quick and accurate tracking information, reinforcing the postal service's market position through enhanced service delivery and responsiveness.




Transforming Package Tracking: A Leap Forward for National Postal Services

In the fast-paced world of parcel delivery, staying ahead of the curve is not just an option; it's a necessity. For national postal services, grappling with outdated systems, the evolution towards modernity is fraught with challenges. Recognizing the urgent need to upgrade its package tracking capabilities to remain competitive, one national postal service embarked on a transformative journey, leveraging the power of IBM Operational Decision Manager. This strategic move was aimed at addressing critical pain points and elevating its service offering.

The Challenge: Keeping Pace in a Competitive Landscape

The postal service faced the challenges of a complex legacy tracking system, which was difficult to update, and maintain. In an industry dominated by giants like FedEx and UPS, offering real-time, reliable tracking information is not just a luxury—it's what customers expect. The existing COBOL-based system was cumbersome, slowing down the implementation of new features and enhancements vital for staying competitive.

A Strategic Solution: Embracing IBM Operational Decision Manager

The adoption of IBM Operational Decision Manager marked a pivotal point in the postal service's quest for innovation. By externalizing over 1,300 business rules from the legacy system into a more manageable Business Rules Management System (BRMS), the service could now easily update and refine package tracking information. This shift not only reduced the risk associated with changes but also significantly improved the system's flexibility and responsiveness to market demands.

The Results: Efficiency, Speed, and Customer Satisfaction

The implementation of the BRMS transformed the tracking system's capabilities, making it possible to process millions of tracking requests daily with an impressive average response time of 15 milliseconds. This leap in efficiency meant that customers could now receive accurate and timely updates about their packages, enhancing trust and reliability in the postal service's offerings.

Value Proposition: Delivering More Than Just Parcels

The move to a more advanced tracking system has not only solved the pain points associated with the old system but has also positioned the postal service as a formidable competitor in the delivery market. Customers now benefit from a service that prioritizes their needs for speed and transparency, reinforcing the postal service's commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction.

Conclusion: A Future-Proof Strategy for Success

By tackling its challenges head-on and embracing technological solutions, the national postal service has set a new standard in package delivery. This strategic overhaul of its tracking system is a testament to the power of innovation in solving operational inefficiencies and improving customer service. As the postal service continues to evolve, its focus on leveraging cutting-edge technology ensures that it remains a trusted and preferred choice for parcel delivery, today and in the future.

This transformative journey from outdated to cutting-edge not only underscores the importance of staying adaptable in a digital world but also highlights how strategic investments in technology can lead to substantial improvements in service delivery, customer satisfaction, and competitive advantage.



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