Change Management

Camunda Workflow Success and the OTPP Customer Story

Camunda Workflow Example - Ontario Teachers Pension Plan OTPP. Contact BP3 for help with transforming your business with Robotic Process Automation

Last week we posted about OTPP and Camunda at CamundaCon - but we hadn't noticed a nice blog post on Camunda's blog that has some more details about OTPP's journey with Camunda:

With $201.4 billion in net assets as of June 30, 2019, the Ontario Teachers Pension Plan is the largest single-profession pension plan in Canada. An independent organization, it invests the pension fund's assets and administers the pensions of 327,000 active and retired teachers in Ontario.

Fifteen years into its business automation journey and three workflow engines later...

A great thing about a good community is when companies share their stories and journeys, here's why OTPP is sharing:

What's motivating you to share your use case? We have just completed a migration of all of our flows from a previous workflow technology and have consolidated onto Camunda as our workflow platform. As a financial organization, the trust of our clients is paramount to us, so we put great efforts into testing, automation and validation. After achieving success with BPM migration and contributing to automated testing through CI/CD, we are at an exciting point in our journey poised to deliver value to our business.

It's great to see process technologies adopted to such a deep and intrinsic extent within a quality organization like OTPP. Congrats to their team on both a great presentation (two of them!) at the conference and a great track record!

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