Streamline with automation

Manufacturing with Automation and RPA

BP3 Global - example of applying RPA to a Manufacturing business. Updating parts inventories from multiple suppliers. BP3 Global, Inc.

Over the years, the members of our team have recorded a number of videos for us, to explain what we do, what matters to us, and how we feel about our work. Over the course of these videos, you can get a sense of who we are, what our priorities are. BP3 and our team have evolved and grown over the years, but one thing that has never wavered is a passion for working with our clients and doing great work.

In this video, Rico walks us through an example of applying RPA to a Manufacturing business. Updating parts inventories from multiple suppliers.  With BP3, there’s a faster way to do this than manually entering this information in a web interface:

Also, it’s true, Rico had this much beard *before* shelter-in-place rules went into effect. Rico and his team of devOps engineers support all of our services team members in the field, as well as all of our support clients, and their developers and citizen developers.  Rico and his team represent the very best in the business and they will support your team’s efforts to scale your automation program!

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