Professional Services

Innovation vs. Transformation

David cuts to the chase on the practices that make sense for transformation vs. innovation. Contact BP3 for more information and how we can help.

David cuts to the chase on the practices that make sense for transformation vs. innovation.


I love the advice:

Start with your strategy - your strategy will dictate whether you start with a transformational change to get a step function improvement in your operating model(rip out and replace the ERP system) or an innovation-centric approach (focusing on incremental test-able hypotheses) to improve your business, find new businesses, or innovate your business.  With a corner case of, you might actually need to transform a core system in order to have a platform capable of supporting the kinds of innovation you want to do in your business afterward.

You can hear more from David at Driven 2020's Robotic Process Automation Day - which is now available on YouTube here: 

You'll find other videos from the Driven conference right there as well! 

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