Professional Services

Attended vs. Unattended

Article on how Attended vs. Unattended is much like the difference between Remote Desktop Automation (RDA) and Robotic Process Automation (RPA).

Over the years, the members of our team have recorded a number of videos for us, to explain what we do, what matters to us, and how we feel about our work. Over the course of these videos, you can get a sense of who we are, what our priorities are. BP3 and our team have evolved and grown over the years, but one thing that has never wavered is a passion for helping our clients and doing great work.

I've always thought about attended vs. unattended as much like the difference between RDA and RPA, as covered in an early video in our RPA series, back in 2018.

Either way, you have a "bot" acting in a way similar to how you would, to perform actions against a (typically) Windows application.  The main difference in this case is whether it is running on your workstation or in a remote (server) workstation or in the cloud.  As Sarah points out, we're using the same underlying technology, but there's a difference in terms of how much human control is employed, as well as licensing and infrastructure implications:

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