Professional Services

5 Best Practices in RPA Implementation

Discover the best practices for successful RPA implementation and unlock a significant competitive advantage through long-term business transformation.

RPA, meaning robotics process automation, is quickly becoming a valuable option for companies looking to automate routine tasks and increase efficiency. By making it easy to build and use software robots to automate digital tasks and increase efficiency, RPA saves businesses employee time and money on software costs. 

For example, the finance industry uses RPA to process invoices, reconcile accounts, and automate governance. But it's not just the finance industry; other industries have begun RPA implementation, including:

  • Healthcare
  • Transportation
  • Government
  • Communication
  • Energy

RPA, in some form or another, has been around since the 1990s. But the official RPA meaning wasn't utilized until the 2000s. Now, more and more businesses are embracing an RPA implementation plan. Consider the following:

  • 53% of respondents to a global Deloitte survey have already begun implementing RPA
  • This number is expected to be 72% in the next couple years
  • Payback was reported in less than a year
  • 78% who've already implemented RPA intend to increase investment in it

What this means is that companies are going to continue to move faster and work more efficiently as business evolves into the future. For businesses wanting to compete in this future, finding the best way to execute an RPA implementation plan is crucial. 

What is RPA?

RPA technology uses software robots or "bots" to automate repetitive, rule-based tasks. These bots interact with applications, systems, and digital tools like a human would. They follow predefined rules and workflows to execute tasks such as data entry, file transfers, and even more complex tasks in business operations. By mimicking human intervention and actions with digital systems, RPA bots can work around the clock, enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and productivity.

So, let's look at five best practices in RPA implementation. 

1. Assess and Prioritize Business Processes

Like any transformation journey, you first have to assess where you're at before figuring out how to get where you want to go. During your automation journey, begin by meticulously mapping your existing workflows and exposing their structure and intricacies. Processes that are repetitive, rule-based, and high in volume are prime candidates for an automation solution. 

The selected tasks should not only be technically feasible but also able to deliver a significant business impact by:

  • Offering considerable time and cost savings
  • Delivering a return on investment (ROI) that intrigues stakeholders
  • Complying with legal and regulatory standards
  • Being adoptable by all stakeholders

2. Agile Implementation Approach

The agile approach makes room for changes, even after implementing RPA. It does this by breaking the project into smaller, manageable parts called "sprints," each with a specific goal. This allows for rapid development and the ability to make quick adjustments as needed. It's a team effort, with people from different areas of the business working together to ensure the robots are as efficient and helpful as possible.

The agile implementation approach focuses on the end-users, ensuring the automated processes are easy to use and meet their needs. Testing and improvements are ongoing. So, as your business grows and changes you can adjust the RPA robots to fit new requirements. 

At its core, the agile approach seeks to make sure your RPA technology remains helpful and can adapt and improve over time.

3. Monitor and Measure RPA Performance

Visibility into the performance of your RPA implementation is not just for course correction, but also for amplifying successes. That's why it's important to establish metrics and KPIs that align with your organization's goals. RPA implementation services can help you create and monitor KPIs, such as:

  • Utilization:Tracks how frequently and at what times bots are used
  • Velocity:Measures the average time a bot takes to complete a process
  • Accuracy:Indicates the error rate of automated processes
  • Total Automated Processes:The amount of processes that are currently automated
  • Expected Business Value:A metric measure over a period of time derived from cost savings and efficiencies gained through increased speed, utilization, and accuracy of automated processes

Essentially, every robot should be under the lens to ensure successful implementation.

4. Reconfirm and Deploy

Before you let the bots run free, you should do a final rehearsal. Reconfirm the workflows, validate the rules, and simulate the processes to ensure every step and action syncs with your outcome goals. 

Consider starting with a pilot program to identify anomalies. Once everything works well, you can try a full-scale deployment. Of course, employee training and technical support are crucial to address any challenges and facilitate smooth RPA implementation throughout this stage. 

5. Foster a Culture of Continuous Improvement

Regularly check how well your RPA bots are working. Be open to feedback from your team members, and make necessary adjustments. Fostering a culture of continuous improvement doesn't just mean the automation process works efficiently. It also means it adapts and grows with the changing needs of your business.

In addition to continually improving your RPA, seek to encourage ongoing learning and innovation among your employees. As technology evolves, this will assist your team in scaling your RPA implementation to meet emerging needs.

Bonus Steps for Scaling RPA Operations

Speaking of scaling, as you seek to maximize the benefits of RPA in your project plans, scaling your initial implementations to broader horizons will be your next step.

Establish a Robust RPA Governance Framework

Creating a robust RPA governance framework means having a well-organized plan for managing and using robotic process automation within your company. It's basically setting rules and guidelines to ensure that automation continues to align with your goals going forward. 

It also seeks to continue to follow legal and security standards while maintaining efficiency. This entails having a clear strategy, standardized policies, and solid plans for handling risks or concerns as you enjoy the benefits of RPA implementation.

Prioritize Processes Based on Feasibility and Potential Impact

Choosing the right processes to automate with RPA involves looking at how easily a task can be automated, aka feasibility. And the positive changes automation will bring are its impact. It's like picking low-hanging fruit first. Choose tasks that are simple, repetitive, and where automation can quickly make a difference. 

Then, as you gain experience in RPA implementation, you can consider automating more complex tasks that will bring about more significant long-term benefits.

Leverage Robotic Process Automation for Competitive Advantage

Today and tomorrow's businesses must move faster to keep up with the emerging digital transformation of the world. Successful RPA implementation is one vital way to propel your business's operation speed forward. BP3 Global specializes in helping you with intelligent automation projects to make your company more efficient and profitable. 

We pride ourselves in providing a superior customer experience. Contact us to learn more about how BP3 Global can help your with your RAP implementation project. Get your business up to speed with today and tomorrow's emerging technology. 


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